// Transaction types
interfaceITransactionParams {
id:string; // id for actions, e.g. 0 = CALL, 1 = MIXED (call and delegatecall), 20 = FLASHLOAN_CALL, 21 = FLASHLOAN_MIXED. Default value of 0 will work for all most common use-cases.
salt:string; // salt to customize non-sequential nonce (if `avoNonce` is set to -1), we recommend at least to send `Date.now()`
source:string; // source address for referral system
actions:ITransactionAction[]; // actions to execute
metadata:string; // generic additional metadata
avoNonce:string; // sequential avoNonce as current value on the smart wallet contract or set to `-1`to use a non-sequential nonce
interfaceITransactionAction {
target:string; // the target address to execute the action on
data:string; // the calldata to be passed to the call for each target
value:string; // the msg.value to be passed to the call for each target. set to 0 if none
operation:string; // type of operation to execute: 0 -> .call; 1 -> .delegateCall, 2 -> flashloan (via .call)
interfaceITransactionForwardParams {
gas:string; // minimum amount of gas that the relayer (AvoForwarder) is expected to send along for successful execution
gasPrice:string; // UNUSED: maximum gas price at which the signature is valid and can be executed. Not implemented yet.
validAfter:string; // time in seconds after which the signature is valid and can be executed
validUntil:string; // time in seconds until which the signature is valid and can be executed
value:string; // UNUSED: msg.value that broadcaster should send along. Not implemented yet.
interfaceITransactionPayload {
// example transaction payload
consttxPayload:ITransactionPayload= {
params: {
actions: [
target: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
data: "0x", // calldata
value: "0",
operation: "0",
id: "0",
avoNonce: "0", // obtain via `const nonce = isDeployed ? await contract.avoNonce() : 0`
// salt is recommended to set salt to Date.now() so every non-sequential nonce will be unique even if all other params
// would otherwise be the exact same as already executed before
salt: ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["uint256"], [Date.now()]),
// source for referral system
source: "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000Cad0",
metadata: "0x",
forwardParams: {
gas: "0",
gasPrice: "0",
validAfter: "0",
validUntil: "0",
value: "0",